Virginia Marie Conlon -- A Portrait





James J. Conlon
What a Family!
Great Grandchildren


Don't Let It Be Forgot!

That once there was a spot. For one brief shining moment.

Virginia Marie Conlon is my mother. She is also the mother of my four sisters (Mary, Gina, Kathy, and Jean) and four brothers (Jim, Mike, Joe, and Tom).

The fact that she bore nine children should be indication enough that Virginia Marie Conlon is among a rare breed. For well over forty decades, this woman's days were filled with children and teenagers all clamoring for her love and attention. Mom would say that even now, at age 82, her eight living children (Mike passed away in April 1989)  though grown with lives of their own  still draw on her. She is right!

A Family Takes Shape


So much of Virginia Marie Conlon’s world is wrapped around her family that it is hard to depict her individually. It is as if her family, including her beloved husband, James Joseph Conlon Jr. (1921-2001), is part of her in a physical way. She is shaped by her family, as her family is shaped by her.

This mother of nine, grandmother of ten, and great grandmother of two, also stands alone. And her "single"    voice shouts to be heard. But Virginia Marie Conlon does not take the direct approach when communicating. Perhaps she doesn't know how to. Her emotions run so deep that they don't dare hit the surface, at least not consciously.  But those feelings are released, and luckily for her, quite regularly. Artistic Expression
Virginia Marie Conlon speaks through her artworka blend of different mediums. It's interesting that as Mom gets older, instead of slowing down, her creative juices seem to flow stronger.  Maybe, she has more time to devote to it, but just as likely it's the result of rumblings within her psyche (and heart) forcing their way out. Virginia Marie Conlon, the individual, wants to be known and heard. And like any skilled artist, Mom works hard at it.

Enter Mom's Portal

This multi-media site is an attempt to capture the essence of Virginia Marie Conlon by looking at the magical moments in her life, both past and present, and the legacy she is building for generations to come. It tells the story primarily by highlighting Virginia Marie Conlon's own creative works, which are extensive, span decades, and cross artistic genres.

It is a portal to Mom's poems, short stories, journals, drawings, and music. The site highlights video clips of several one-on-one interviews with Mom, interviews that took place in the early summer of 2006. Visitors to this site can also link to her music (she plays the piano beautifully, and in her younger years sang beautifully).

Family History

Since my mother is a "saver"—she never throws anything outthe site holds a wealth of family history.  It outlines my family's ancestral lineage (mainly on my mother's side) starting with my great grandmother Marie Quinzer Peters (date of birth and death).  In a sense, since Mom is the primary content provider, this site is my mother's own creation—it is a self portrait. In another sense, it is a biography of her life, based on my interpretation.  I am her daughter Theresa (Terry).

Open to the Future

Virginia Marie Conlon certainly knows how to "capture a moment." Without even knowing what a Web site is, or the technology behind it, she is open to a new creative opportunity and endeavor that takes a "hi-tech" approach. She is collaborating on this Web site with me!  

To all who enter — enjoy!

© 2006 All rights reserved. Virginia Marie Conlon , in collaboration with her daughter Theresa Ann Conlon