Virginia Marie Conlon -- A Portrait





James J. Conlon
What a Family!
Great Grandchildren

Joseph Scully

Joe Scully is Virginia Marie Conlon's younger brother and only sibling.  He lives in California (Hollywood) and prior to retirement, was a Hollywood casting director.  He has a daughter, Samantha Scully, who lives in Los Angeles too, but currently, will not speak to Joe, for reasons that we're not privy to, and therefore don't understand.

“Bro” Joe: A Bright Star Lights the Heavens

It was the mid 1960s. I was about eight years old, and Uncle Joe, a big-time Hollywood casting director was coming east for a New York City industry event and to visit his sister and only sibling, my Mom.

Uncle Joe’s visit meant my big break into show biz! I gathered my brothers and sisters, as well as the neighborhood kids and we prepared a backyard musical production that was sure to knock Uncle Joe’s socks off. As the guest of honor with a front row seat, Uncle Joe would surely recognize our talent and send the entire cast off to Hollywood!

That is my earliest memory of Uncle Joe. Although he lived far away in California, Joe was always a larger than life presence among the Conlon gang. We are his east coast family, which has its base in Rutherford, New Jersey. And although our little acting troupe never made it to Hollywood, my siblings and I did put on quite a show that won our Uncle Joe’s heart, and his ours.

Joseph B. Scully (Uncle Joe) is my mother, Virginia Marie Conlon’s younger brother. Joe called himself “the Bro”, and my mother (now 82) loved her baby brother dearly. Even though the two lived on either ends of the continent, and their Hollywood-versus-Homemaker lifestyles seemed worlds apart, Joe and Virginia were close. As brother and sister, Joe and Virginia had each other. It was a bond each could depend on and their love was unconditional.

Joe is also my Godfather and beloved uncle to the entire Conlon clan. Virginia and her dearly-departed husband James Joseph Conlon Jr. had nine children including James, Michael, Mary, Virginia, Kathleen, Theresa, Joseph, Jean Marie, and Thomas. We all love our Uncle Joe dearly and will miss him. As Joe put it, he is “the Bro to each and all.”

My Mom thought the world of Joe and was proud of his numerous accomplishments and successful career in the motion picture industry.

Joe was casting director/producer for many well-know hits, such as Hello Dolly, Planet of the Apes, the Missiles of October, Room 222, and Sounder, just to name a few. Mom would always point out Joe Scully’s name as the program credits scrolled down our television screen.

We were delighted to view television commercials that featured his little daughter Samantha -- our young cousin. Joe loved Samantha with all his heart.

And when our grandfather, Joseph B. Scully Sr., appeared on a TV commercial or two, again the Conlon contingent was thrilled. And Uncle Joe made it possible!

While my childhood fantasy of Hollywood stardom never played out, I am now a modern dancer. A number of years back, Uncle Joe did come to see me dance in a performance in Greenwich Village, New York City. It was an honor to have him there and a memory I will always treasure.

I had the privilege of dancing with my godfather, Uncle Joe, during a 50-year wedding anniversary celebration for my Mom and Dad. And oh boy, could Joe dance! Despite my thirty years of professional dance training, Joe could still hold his own with me. Joe gave the toast at that event, having been the best man at Mom and Dad’s wedding back in 1945. And Mom and Dad were so pleased to have him there to share the moment.

Joe has always been a dear part of our family, and whenever one of us visited him in his neck of the woods, he was always a gracious host. We will miss him, but we know he’s now with his “God Gang” who have welcomed this bright star, Bro Joe, into heaven.

We thank all of his dear friends and caretakers at the Motion Picture and TV Country House for providing such tender, loving care to Joe in his final years and last days. Joe assured us he was in the place he needed to be. You were his friends and he loved you.

God Bless You All,

On behalf of Virginia Marie Conlon and the entire Conlon family

© 2006 All rights reserved. Virginia Marie Conlon , in collaboration with her daughter Theresa Ann Conlon